Need More Business?
Need More Visitors to Website

Like conventional business, this is a numbers game. If you dont have enough visitors to your website, you’re going to struggle to generate business from it. We can look at where your current visitors come from, where you’re missing out to your competitors, and where the opportunities to get more visitors are. We’ll fire your website right up the search engine rankings and implement a carefully crafted Google Adwords campaign to start with. Request a Free Consulatation today and put your visitor count on steroids.
Need More Leads/Sales from Website

Now that you’ve got plenty of website traffic, it’s time to convert your visitors into leads and customers and that doesn’t happen by accident. The average website converts 1 or 2 in every 100 visitors into and enquiry. Of course, more traffic helps, but it’s way cheaper to optimise your website for 4 x the conversions than it is to get get 4 x the traffic. There are a number of ways to make this happen, some are quick and easy, others are more tricky. A Free Consultation with me will put you on the right track.
Need a Plan

If you’ve got no idea where to start, or if things are working for you but you need to scale up, it’s time to get strategic. It’s relatively easy to get the basics in place – Google Analytics and Keyword Research for example; so that you can begin to get a handle on what’s happening on your website. And once you have some numbers, you can use them to choose where changes need to be made to improve performance. You can also monitor the changes to see if they work. Request a Free Consulation Now to get started.
How Online Marketing Works. In the past, simply having a live website online meant that you’d probably get some enquiries, but that’s changed. Most businesses now have a website and large national companies want to poach your customers too. As the internet matures, competion to be seen intensifies. Simply having a website is no longer an online marketing startegy. In order to succeed, you have to market your website.
You already know that the internet is a useful tool for generating leads and customers for your business, but you’d like more. It’s likely that the following (or parts of it) describe where you’re at: You have an established business website with Google Analytics installed. You generate the occasional lead, enquiry or sale. You have tried Google Adwords, or other online marketing platforms, but you’re not sure how well they work for you. You have a Facebook page but it doesn’t generate business, or you don’t know if it does. You know that you need to rank highly for certain keywords, but you either don’t know where you rank, or your rankings are low. You don’t have the time to do this stuff, or the person or people who do this for you need help.
In simple terms, here’s what we want to acheive: Every time somone searches online for your product or service, your website appears in the search results. Every time that someone searches for the solution to a problem that your business can help with; your website appears in the search results. What’s more, given that there are competitors in those results, they click on the link to your website. Your website reassures them that they’ve found the right business for their needs and prompts them to take some action. This could be either completing an enquiry form, phoning your business, buying something or calling in to your business premises. In other words, we need visitors to find your website and we need to convert those visitors into leads or customers.